
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)


Title Author Year arrow_drop_up
La mort glorieuse de soixante et un chrestiens de Macao décapitez pour la confession de nostre sainte foy à Nangazaqui, au royaume du Japon, le 4 d'aoust l'an 1640 : extraite de la relation faicte en langue portugaise par le R. P. Antoine François Cardin, de la Compagnie de Jésus ... avec la copie d'une lettre de Hollande touchant la glorieuse confession de quatre Pères de la mesme compagnie et de trois autres chrestiens mis à mort au mesme royaume du Japon sur la fin de l'an 1642
Cardim, Antonio Francisco,auteur 1643
A narrative of the British embassy to China in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794 : containing the various circumstances of the embassy with accounts of customs and manners of the Chinese and a description of the country, towns, cities, etc., etc.
Anderson, Aeneas,author. 1795
A complete view of the Chinese empire : exhibited in a geographical description of that country, a dissertation on its antiquity, and a genuine and copious account of Earl Macartney's embassy from the King of Great Britain to the emperor of China
Winterbotham, William,author,editor. 1798
Juizes e mais officiaes do Senado da Camara da cidade de Macáo : Eu o Principe Regente vos envio muito saudar : Sendo-me presente os bons serviços, que me tendes feito não só em mandar a este porto hum navio ...
Johnautor 1810
Journal of the proceedings of the late embassy to China comprising a correct narrative of the public transactions of the embassy, of the voyage to and from China, and of the journey from the mouth of the Pei-Ho to the return to Canton...
Ellis, Henry, 1817
Narrative of a journey in the interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country, in the years 1816 and 1817 : containing an account of the most interesting transactions of Lord Amhersr's Embassy to the Court of Pekin, and observations on the countries which it visited
Abel, Clarke,author 1818
Third report from the select Committee appointed to consider of the means of improvement and maintaining the foreign trade of the country : East Indies and China
Narrative of the Chinese embassy to the Khan of the tourgouth Tartars, in the years 1712, 13, 14, & 15 : by the Chinese ambassador, and published, by the Emperor's authority, at Pekin : translated from the Chinese, and accompanied by an appendix of miscellaneous translations
Staunton, George Thomas,author 1821
Mémoires sur les relations politiques des Princes Chrétiens, et particulièrement des Rois de France, avec les Empereurs Mongols : suivi du recueil des lettres et peèces diplomatiques des princes Tartares, et accompagnés de plnches qui contiennent la copie figurée de deux lettres adressées par les rois Mongols de Perse à Philippe-Le-Bel
Rémusat, Jean Pierre Abel,auteur 1824
Memoria sobre a expedição do governo de Macao em 1809 e 1810 em socorro ao Império da China contra os piratas chinezes : principiada, e concluida em seis mezes pelo Governador, Capitão Geral daquela cidade, Lucas José d'Alvarenga : autenticada com documentos justificativos
Alvarenga, Lucas José de,autor 1828

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